Wednesday 15 March 2017

Rainbow Buddha bowl

So although this isn't strictly a recipe, I had to post it.. because SOMANYCOLOURS ♥

I've been having these Buddha bowls constantly lately - they're such a good way to easily get everything you need into one meal. I try to follow a basic guideline for each bowl:

  • Grain - Short brown rice, rice noodles, quinoa, cous cous etc
  • Starchy vegetable - Roasted sweet potato, butternut squash, pumpkin etc
  • Greens - Steamed broccoli, kale, spinach, chard, cabbage etc
  • Protein - Baked tofu, chickpeas, black beans, lentils etc
  • Salad - Chopped cucumber, tomatoes, spring onions (I usually use all three)
  • Fat - Hemp/sunflower/pumpkin/flax seeds, tahini, peanut butter etc

The baked tofu I used here was marinated for around 30 minutes in soy sauce, sriracha and agave nectar. I then sprinkled over some sesame seeds before baking for half an hour. 

Instead of using a sauce I've started squeezing the juice of a full lemon over my food and adding a squeeze of tomato paste - I've become addicted to this combo and it means less salt/sugar - WIN. 

Give these Buddha bowls a try, you'll be amazed at how tasty they are once everything is combined! Enjoy :)

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